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- FOUND: How To Open A Beer Bottle With A Piece Of P...
- Video: SNL - Iran So Far
- YouTube Freak O' The Week: Leave Britney Alone!
- This Week's Free iTunes Downloads: 9-11-07
- Indiana Jones 4 Title Released
- Markets Closed: Apple Up 3.75%
- Apple Stock Jumps As 1 Millionth iPhone is Sold
- Coming Soon: Movie Rentals on iTunes?
- Refurbished iPhone Owners Get $150 Credit!
- It's Been a while, but some comments on Myspace
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Video: SNL - Iran So Far
I love the SNL Digital Shorts that have been on the show lately. Thanks Andy for providing me with unending laughter and love.
Labels: Adam Levine, Andy Samberg, Digital Short, SNL
YouTube Freak O' The Week: Leave Britney Alone!
If you've been online for the past couple of days, you've probably seen the latest freak on YouTube Chris Crocker and his plea to the world to "Leave Britney Alone". I almost died laughing when I saw this, and can't seem to get enough of it. I love the 5 year old temper tantrum this guy has! If you haven't seen it yet, here it is:
I hope he's joking!
But, then I found a response video from Perez Hilton that's too good to pass up. Here it is:
Somebody finally took Miss South Carolina's place as national laughing stock! It's only been up for 2 days, and it's already had over 3.3 million views!

I hope he's joking!
But, then I found a response video from Perez Hilton that's too good to pass up. Here it is:
Somebody finally took Miss South Carolina's place as national laughing stock! It's only been up for 2 days, and it's already had over 3.3 million views!

Labels: Chris Crocker, Perez Hilton, YouTube
This Week's Free iTunes Downloads: 9-11-07
Today's mix of free stuff couldn't reach more polar opposites! Here's my picks out of the bunch.
This week's iTunes Free Single Of The Week is "Ambushed" from Rampage, a member of Busta Rhyme's Flipmode Squad. And while I'm not a huge fan of this kind of Hip-Hop/Rap, I'm glad iTunes keeps variety in their weekly singles. I fortunately unfortunately wasn't able to listen to the entire song since I kept getting an alert telling me the song was currently not available because it's being modified, so you'll have to check out the whole song for yourself to see if you like it.
This week's Discovery Download was downloadable, and couldn't be more different, coming from Christian Rock group Mainstay, their single "Become Who You Are" comes with no surprises in sound or originality. It just seems like I've heard songs just like this a million times over. Again, I'm glad iTunes keeps a variety of genres in their free downloads, but I would have never downloaded it if I had to pay for it. Mostly because this is the kind of song I would only listen to a couple of times, and then it would work its way to the back of my music library only to be listened to during one of the very few times that I actually use the Party Shuffle feature in iTunes.
I think todays best free downloads come in the TV Shows section, and again I find it hilarious how polar opposite they are! The first is just a 4 minute 17 second preview for the half hour comedy show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia,
airing Thursdays on FX 10/9c. There's actually two clips available. The first in the list is the "Making of the Sunny Pilot", and the second is the preview titled "Best of Sunny Funnies", and if the whole show is this funny, I'm going to want to watch every episode. I've seen a few previews on TV for the show, and it's just seemed really funny yet really bizarre at the same time. From the "Best of" clip, you should be ready to laugh so hard you pee your pants and be highly offended multiple times within the short context of the clip. Then again, maybe the only reason I find it funny is because half of my relatives live in the Philly area, but I don't think so. Check it out.
The polar opposite has to come in the form of : FREE SESAME STREET EPISODES!!! (Well, sort of...) Keeping in the true Public Broadcast spirit, it looks the Sesame Workshop is offering episodes of their Learn Along With Sesame free of charge, and they range from 13 minute to 43 minute per show. The sixth clip in the series is listed in the "FREE on iTunes" section, and is caled "A is For Asthma", so that's the one I downloaded. I think it's great that they're offering free educational programs for kids, and Sesame Street at that. So jump over to an iTunes store near you, and grab your free episode of Learn Along With Sesame.

I think todays best free downloads come in the TV Shows section, and again I find it hilarious how polar opposite they are! The first is just a 4 minute 17 second preview for the half hour comedy show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia,

Indiana Jones 4 Title Released
It's official, the fourth installment in the Indiana Jones series finally has a name:

The name, was revealed yesterday by actor Shia LeBeouf during the MTV Music Awards. According to the film's site, it will be released on Memorial Day 2008 in the U.S. and simultaneously in most territories worldwide.

The name, was revealed yesterday by actor Shia LeBeouf during the MTV Music Awards. According to the film's site, it will be released on Memorial Day 2008 in the U.S. and simultaneously in most territories worldwide.
The film is being directed by Steven Spielberg, and according to, lists the cast as including: Shia LeBeouf, Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, Karen Allen, Jim Broadbent and of course Harrison Ford.
I think I'm going to be humming the Indiana Jones theme song for the next few days.
Labels: Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones, Shia LeBeouf, Steven Spielberg
Markets Closed: Apple Up 3.75%

I would not be surprised if we see a 16Gb iPhone on the market by the end of the year, perhaps as early as next month, fitting into the $499 price bracket, as well as major upgrades to the iPhone OS.

Apple Stock Jumps As 1 Millionth iPhone is Sold
It's amazing for me to think that in a mere 74 days, Apple has managed to sell one million iPhones! But according to Apple's reports, the hit the mark yesterday September 9th:
"Yesterday, just 74 days after its introduction on June 29, Apple sold the one millionth iPhone. 'One million iPhones in 74 days—it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod,' said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We can’t wait to get this revolutionary product into the hands of even more customers this holiday season.”

Curious about how this is effecting Apple's current stock value, I popped open my trusty stock widget in Dashboard, and to no surprise, Apple's stock is up almost $3.00 while everybody else is down.
I personally wasn't expecting to see this goal hit until the end of the month, but I don't think anyone can deny that it has a huge part to do with two of Apple's announcements at last Wednesday's "The Beat Goes On" event. The first being the most obvious $200 price drop from $599 to $399 for the 8Gb model, and then the fact that you can now pick up a 4Gb model on clearance for $299! That's a huge difference especially considering that one of the major criticisms of the iPhone has been the price. I can't count how many people I heard say things like, "Who would want to carry around a $600 phone with them?" Well, you can't exactly make that excuse any more, so it would appear that people hit the stores in multitudes. Stocking up for Christmas maybe?
The second influence is just a speculation on my part, but it's something I have wanted for some time, and I know others have wondered about as well, and t
hat's the ability to buy songs while on the go. Some time back when Apple announced that you would be able to sync songs purchased with the same account on two different computers using your iPod, I thought for sure that a Wi-Fi iTunes store was imminent, but only time would be the tell. And that seems to be the case here. I'm not sure when Apple will make this feature available for iPhone owners, but my thoughts are, with over 1 million iPhones out there, it won't be long.
And then, come next February, while I'm in line to get my coffee, I can browse what songs are playing in my local Starbucks, and buy them if I want. Can anybody say, "Brilliant Strategy"?

"Yesterday, just 74 days after its introduction on June 29, Apple sold the one millionth iPhone. 'One million iPhones in 74 days—it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod,' said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We can’t wait to get this revolutionary product into the hands of even more customers this holiday season.”

Curious about how this is effecting Apple's current stock value, I popped open my trusty stock widget in Dashboard, and to no surprise, Apple's stock is up almost $3.00 while everybody else is down.
I personally wasn't expecting to see this goal hit until the end of the month, but I don't think anyone can deny that it has a huge part to do with two of Apple's announcements at last Wednesday's "The Beat Goes On" event. The first being the most obvious $200 price drop from $599 to $399 for the 8Gb model, and then the fact that you can now pick up a 4Gb model on clearance for $299! That's a huge difference especially considering that one of the major criticisms of the iPhone has been the price. I can't count how many people I heard say things like, "Who would want to carry around a $600 phone with them?" Well, you can't exactly make that excuse any more, so it would appear that people hit the stores in multitudes. Stocking up for Christmas maybe?
The second influence is just a speculation on my part, but it's something I have wanted for some time, and I know others have wondered about as well, and t

And then, come next February, while I'm in line to get my coffee, I can browse what songs are playing in my local Starbucks, and buy them if I want. Can anybody say, "Brilliant Strategy"?

Coming Soon: Movie Rentals on iTunes?
According to a Flickr photo posted by David Watanabe, it appears that Apple might start renting movies through iTunes.

Along with the picture, Watanabe added: "I was trying to report a problem via iTunes, and this pop-up for selecting a reason contains some interesting/revealing strings... looks like "RentalMovies" will be coming to the iTunes store."
Adding a rental service to the iTunes store would be a great move for Apple, and one that I have thought they should do for some time now. If other iPod / iPhone owners like myself feel the same way about buying a $9.99 to $14.99 movie that can only be plaid on one of their devices, the option to pay a small fee to rent the movies for a limited time is very welcoming. The fact remains, I will not buy a movie just so I can play it on my iPhone, but I might be inclined to consider renting one if the service was available to me.
This is one rumor I definitely hope is true!

Along with the picture, Watanabe added: "I was trying to report a problem via iTunes, and this pop-up for selecting a reason contains some interesting/revealing strings... looks like "RentalMovies" will be coming to the iTunes store."
Adding a rental service to the iTunes store would be a great move for Apple, and one that I have thought they should do for some time now. If other iPod / iPhone owners like myself feel the same way about buying a $9.99 to $14.99 movie that can only be plaid on one of their devices, the option to pay a small fee to rent the movies for a limited time is very welcoming. The fact remains, I will not buy a movie just so I can play it on my iPhone, but I might be inclined to consider renting one if the service was available to me.
This is one rumor I definitely hope is true!

Labels: Apple, iTunes, Movie Rentals
Refurbished iPhone Owners Get $150 Credit!
I purchased my iPhone a little over 2 weeks ago through Apple's "Refurbished iPhone" section on their online store. I was probably thinking the same thing you are, "They already have refurbished iPhones?". But, after a little research, I found out that Apple treats them as new, so I would have all of the same Apple Care options as if I was buying a brand new one; it was just $100 cheaper at $499 fo an 8 Gig iPhone! So, of course I took the cheaper option. And then, this last Wednesday, Steve Jobs had to make the one announcement I didn't want to hear: a $200 dollar drop on new iPhones, I couldn't help but feel the nation wide "D'oh!!" felt by all early adopters.
The second blow came when I found out that I was outside of the 10 day grace period to receive a credit on the price change. However, as I was reading all of the hype about Steve's decision to give a $100 store credit to everyone outside of 10 days, the light at the end of the tunnel started to come back. And then, I read something about Apple extending the 10 day period to 14 days, the exact amount of time since I had purchased my iPhone! But the big question was whether or not this offer would be extended to my refurbished phone, but I just had to find out!
After a very long, yet highly worth it, hour long wait I was finally able to talk to a Customer Support member, and found out that I did qualify for a credit, but since I had purchased my phone refurbished it would only be $150. Good enough for me!
It feels good to know that I only paid $349 for my iPhone!
So, if you're a proud owner of a refurbished iPhone, and paid $499 like myself, get on the phone and see if you qualify to get your $150 back. And if you can't do that, at least try for the store credit. It's worth it!
(note: While on hold, I learned that as long as you're on a wi-fi network, most of the iPhone's features like YouTube, Mobile Safari & even the iPod still work when you're on the phone!)

The second blow came when I found out that I was outside of the 10 day grace period to receive a credit on the price change. However, as I was reading all of the hype about Steve's decision to give a $100 store credit to everyone outside of 10 days, the light at the end of the tunnel started to come back. And then, I read something about Apple extending the 10 day period to 14 days, the exact amount of time since I had purchased my iPhone! But the big question was whether or not this offer would be extended to my refurbished phone, but I just had to find out!
After a very long, yet highly worth it, hour long wait I was finally able to talk to a Customer Support member, and found out that I did qualify for a credit, but since I had purchased my phone refurbished it would only be $150. Good enough for me!
It feels good to know that I only paid $349 for my iPhone!
So, if you're a proud owner of a refurbished iPhone, and paid $499 like myself, get on the phone and see if you qualify to get your $150 back. And if you can't do that, at least try for the store credit. It's worth it!
(note: While on hold, I learned that as long as you're on a wi-fi network, most of the iPhone's features like YouTube, Mobile Safari & even the iPod still work when you're on the phone!)