This Week's Free iTunes Downloads: 9-11-07
Today's mix of free stuff couldn't reach more polar opposites! Here's my picks out of the bunch.
This week's iTunes Free Single Of The Week is "Ambushed" from Rampage, a member of Busta Rhyme's Flipmode Squad. And while I'm not a huge fan of this kind of Hip-Hop/Rap, I'm glad iTunes keeps variety in their weekly singles. I fortunately unfortunately wasn't able to listen to the entire song since I kept getting an alert telling me the song was currently not available because it's being modified, so you'll have to check out the whole song for yourself to see if you like it.
This week's Discovery Download was downloadable, and couldn't be more different, coming from Christian Rock group Mainstay, their single "Become Who You Are" comes with no surprises in sound or originality. It just seems like I've heard songs just like this a million times over. Again, I'm glad iTunes keeps a variety of genres in their free downloads, but I would have never downloaded it if I had to pay for it. Mostly because this is the kind of song I would only listen to a couple of times, and then it would work its way to the back of my music library only to be listened to during one of the very few times that I actually use the Party Shuffle feature in iTunes.
I think todays best free downloads come in the TV Shows section, and again I find it hilarious how polar opposite they are! The first is just a 4 minute 17 second preview for the half hour comedy show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia,
airing Thursdays on FX 10/9c. There's actually two clips available. The first in the list is the "Making of the Sunny Pilot", and the second is the preview titled "Best of Sunny Funnies", and if the whole show is this funny, I'm going to want to watch every episode. I've seen a few previews on TV for the show, and it's just seemed really funny yet really bizarre at the same time. From the "Best of" clip, you should be ready to laugh so hard you pee your pants and be highly offended multiple times within the short context of the clip. Then again, maybe the only reason I find it funny is because half of my relatives live in the Philly area, but I don't think so. Check it out.
The polar opposite has to come in the form of : FREE SESAME STREET EPISODES!!! (Well, sort of...) Keeping in the true Public Broadcast spirit, it looks the Sesame Workshop is offering episodes of their Learn Along With Sesame free of charge, and they range from 13 minute to 43 minute per show. The sixth clip in the series is listed in the "FREE on iTunes" section, and is caled "A is For Asthma", so that's the one I downloaded. I think it's great that they're offering free educational programs for kids, and Sesame Street at that. So jump over to an iTunes store near you, and grab your free episode of Learn Along With Sesame.

I think todays best free downloads come in the TV Shows section, and again I find it hilarious how polar opposite they are! The first is just a 4 minute 17 second preview for the half hour comedy show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia,

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