Apple iTunes

Apple iTunes




Coming Soon: Movie Rentals on iTunes?

According to a Flickr photo posted by David Watanabe, it appears that Apple might start renting movies through iTunes.

Along with the picture, Watanabe added: "I was trying to report a problem via iTunes, and this pop-up for selecting a reason contains some interesting/revealing strings... looks like "RentalMovies" will be coming to the iTunes store."

Adding a rental service to the iTunes store would be a great move for Apple, and one that I have thought they should do for some time now. If other iPod / iPhone owners like myself feel the same way about buying a $9.99 to $14.99 movie that can only be plaid on one of their devices, the option to pay a small fee to rent the movies for a limited time is very welcoming. The fact remains, I will not buy a movie just so I can play it on my iPhone, but I might be inclined to consider renting one if the service was available to me.

This is one rumor I definitely hope is true!


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