Apple iTunes

Apple iTunes




Sell Your Music On iTunes with TuneCore!!!

If you're a solo musician, or a band that's trying to get your act off the ground, a great place to sell your music would be iTunes right? Well, that's a nice idea, but how on God's green earth are you supposed to get it on the iTunes Store in the first place for people to buy? You'd have to be signed with a big record label right? Not if you use TuneCore.

The description on their site says:

"TuneCore is a music delivery and distribution service that gets artist's original music (even cover versions) and record label releases up for sale on iTunes, eMusic, Rhapsody, Sony Connect, MusicNet and Napster without asking for your rights or taking any money from the sale or use of your music."

You're probably wondering how much a service like this costs. It's more affordable than you'd think. Here's their cost info:

TuneCore Cost Breakdown:

per song (one time charge)

first store/service

each additional store per album (one time charge)

per album maintenance and storage (per year)

TuneCore, not a bad deal if you ask me! Especially if you're trying to expand the market for your music.



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